Friday 26 June 2015

Thoughts on a Film: Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Okay, so recently (like last thursday to be exact) I got a Netflix subscription. Yep, that explains my disappearance from the world of blogging and also real life. So to make the most of this free month (honey you think I'm gon pay good money to sit on my butt?) I've been watching a plethora of different shows and movies (finally getting round to starting "Orange is the New Black" and "That 70s Show" which are both fab fab fab but more of that later) and one of which being "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" because it's something I've been wanting to watch for ageees!

I love the styles and the cast and crew for this film. It's basically like my dream teen movie. So cute!
I can't really reveal anything other than yes you need to be over 12 and preferably over 14 to watch this film cos there's some nudity and female objectification (which sucks but ya know we do live in a patriarchy so we might as well try and appreciate what we can).

The teenagers talk a lot about sex and relationships and, you know, wanting to be cool. It's great because it's like a "billdungsroman" kind of genre (that word may only apply to novels but whatever) and so we kind of grow with the main character as she explores what is actually important to her. It pretty much encompasses the basic teen desire of lust and the confusion between being in love and being in love with the idea of love. I find it sweet and also, sort of, relatable (cringe).

Here are some stills:

It's a fun teen flick with the perfect mixture of teen angst, lust, mushy cuteness and humour. I recommend it! Especially if you're into 80s' movies (they are my jam).

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