Sunday 31 May 2020

podcast recommendations :)

i listen to a lot of podcasts and am always banging on about the most recent thing i've listened to... i also get a lot of people asking me for recommendations so i decided to compile a list! for some of the podcasts, i've added links to particularly memorable episodes. ive tried to include a mix of indie vs organisation-associated podcasts.

sorry these are all linked to apple podcasts but pressing the link should take u to the episode description n then u can click go to episode webpage. also i think for most of them u can find them on other providers like spotify. i hate the apple podcasts app cos it always crashes but it's just the easiest one for me to use.

For general everyday listening to keep up-to-date with the news, I like:

The Daily by The New York Times (i know that a lot of NYT news stories and headlines can seem quite liberal/biased, so i was initially quite hesitant about listening but this podcast is genuinely really great journalism, probs one of my favs. they do have a tendency to peddle some overly "balanced" opinions though esp when talking about race and gender.)
- one of my fav episodes,  it's about a summer camp for kids to overcome OCD.

Today in Focus by the Guardian (this is british-centred which is nice, a lot of great interviews. u do kinda have to accept it's the guardian tho so not groundbreaking as with a lot of recent podcasts on race which have an overt omigodomigod factor)
- quite a difficult episode to listen to but about child trafficking by gangs etc in the uk, wouldve done better if they highlighted more of the systemic issues causing this but still rlly important.
- a battle between citizens vs shell in nigeria. another difficult episode to listen to but so important.

BBC Woman's Hour (another one i was hesitant to listen to bc jenni murray has been quite an exclusionary feminist, BUT they do acc do great interviews n talk a lot about class, disability, health, culture n gender-based issues esp in the UK. understand if u cant get over the nonpartisan aspects of the podcast but there r some gems n also jane garvey is so funny)
- recent episode highlighting issues like lack of public toilets rn n also alcoholism increase during lockdown

The Indicator by NPR Planet Money (really good summary of economic news tidbits per day)

The Intelligence by The Economist (the podcast does really well at highlighting significant news stories with a transnational scope, rlly good for de-centering western news although still western perspective ofc)

Today Explained by Vox (similar to the daily, good factual content)

UpFirst by NPR (short and snappy but about the US)

The Financial Times' News Briefing (short n good for staying up to date with business news if that interests you)

Interesting content about society as a whole i guess:

About Race (ran by Reni Eddo-Lodge, amazing work ofc and british-centered!!! read her book if u havent im p sure u can find it online for free if u cant afford to buy it.)

Decolonization in Action (run by edna bonhomme a historian, who conducts interviews with generally other people in academia + their research, good for relating a lot of transnational issues back to colonialism)
- loved this episode, esp as it was about black british history n experiences which is generally NOT talked about
- rlly liked this episode, an interview w a comedian which touches on white supremacy when travelling n how whiteness is universally glorified 

Citations Needed (about media, power and basically debunking bullshit)
- very recent episode, converging frustrations of how protests are being misrepresented in the american media as well as how nothing's changing even 6 years on from BLM
- episode about the whitewashing of Classical Civilisations and the co-option of them by alt-right groups n white supremacists 

Codeswitch by NPR (rlly great podcast highlighting racial issues esp within the US but also generally quite light-hearted)
- episode about interracial friendships, n how it can be difficult to maintain them 

Have You Heard George's Podcast? (run by George the Poet about "inner city life". haven't listened yet but seems VERY popular and highly rated. excited to start listening!)

The Slow Newscast from Tortoise Media (fab journalism run by Brits!)

Checks and Balance by The Economist (haven't listened to many but the episode below i rlly enjoyed)
episode about social mobility + university in the US through a historical and sociological analysis

The Bugle (funny satirical show about the news. hosted by a number of comedians, good for a chuckle on a saturday although it is probably aimed at those w quite a niche sense of humour. very british.)

The New Yorker Radio Hour (mix of interviews, storytelling n general news)
- rlly liked this episode about ppl in nyc during the peak of corona. brought me to tears :(

Hidden Brain by NPR (about psychology n interesting stories... a lot of good stuff but sometimes feels a bit apolitical which is ok but can be slightly misleading)
- interesting episode about marriage! wat i meant about apoliticalness could probably be demonstrated here as i feel like they could do better about explaining the link between marriage as a patriarchal n capitalist institution.

Philosophize This! (bitesize tidbits, accessible way of learning complicated philosophical concepts)
- i loved the michel foucault series! did really well.
- we probs live in a simulation

Shortwave by NPR (sciencey stuff, short interesting episodes)
- the pandemic timewarp... why lockdown has whizzed by

Science Weekly by the Guardian (not always interesting but has some good content)
- i liked the gene gap series about the potential to edit genes in humans

The Economist Asks (an interesting podcast interviewing a variety of people)
- i have only listened to the episode with the wondrous michaela coel which had some gems but i also did feel as though she was naturally more stilted and uncomfortable in this interview compared to her gal-dem one... although i do also feel as she was able to bring more to the table in this interview in comparison perhaps due to more challenging questions and her feeling less comfortable ? 


Stance Podcast (AMAZING work tbh. the first time i fell in love w a podcast. about art, music, film, etc predominantly thru highlighting marginalised ppl/critiquing issues within the arts. has a high-profile list of interviewees like Nao, Four Tet, Tarana Burke, Riz Ahmed + Kate Tempest. also is good at highlighting transnational perspectives but is also very british which is nice. the host Chrystal Genesis replied to me so kindly on linkedin n their instagram follows me!!)

- about Nightclub culture + how it relates to resistance esp for those who are LGBT+
- the first episode i ever listened to. about classism n elitism within the arts.
- about PTSD in communities w a lot of violence. how this is an ignored epidemic which affects ppl more than soldiers who may experience ptsd from war.

Dissect (fantastic work by one man. he dissects albums in a rlly forensic way. helps u understand the artists' intentions n see their work in a whole new light. only gripe is i feel like his voice can be a bit monotonous)
- ive only fully listened to the season about to pimp a butterfly but have dipped in n out of other seasons. this was his first season so im sure hes improved his style since then.

Culture Call by the Financial Times (generally quite good although a bit white feminist vibes, good interviews n recommendations)
- i think the first episode i listened to, a bit voyeuristic but also v intimate interview w george the poet who i'd never heard of previously.

The Great Women Artists Podcast (VERY good, n i would urge u to follow the instagram if u havent. only issue is its not very accessible n i feel like unless u have studied art history in the past etc it may be slightly intimidating. esp as im sure its named after a seminal piece of work by art historian linda nochlin "why have there been no great women artists?" rlly fantastic essay btw but again kinda elitist as u wudnt be able to connect this if u hadnt read it.)

Business Wars by Wondery (ik sounds v capitalist but their Marvel vs DC series is genuinely so well-told n is v engaging... a lot of the businesses mentioned shape our culture n its interesting to find out their origin stories as well as the rivalries they face)
- i binged this series haha! the marvel vs dc one. genuinely just worth listening to this series. although i did enjoy the patagonia vs north face n some of the coke vs pepsi as well as the adidas vs nike ones.

Switched on Pop by Vox (cool music podcast about trends in popular music! it's a bit millennial but yh.)
- interesting episode about restaurant music n how u tend to not change ur music taste as u age

Pop Culture Happy Hour by NPR (fine, some good interviews n content but VERY american)
- liked this episode on the limits of an anti-racist reading list !! very important n the full article is on Vulture here

Fashion Unzipped by The Telegraph (informative podcast about what it's like to work for the fashion world/insight on how to get in)

Relationships, advice, conversations:

The Receipts Podcast (just rlly nice light-hearted n funny chatting, on relationships, identity n general advice as well as sometimes touching on politics. good if ur feeling homesick as a londoner especially or if u just feel alone, u rlly feel like ur in the room w them n they're really talking to u)

The Gurls Talk Podcast (by Adwoa Aboah mainly interviews about important issues, quite upper middle-class perspectives tho)
- rlly enjoyed this about rehab n addiction esp since i dont feel as though it's talked about much

The Heart by Mermaid Palace and Radiotopia (kinda centered on understanding oppression, trauma, power, love etc. i liked their adjacent story podcast called Asking for It.)
- who taught you to be white? how even well-intentioned white ppl who have experiences of oppression uphold white supremacy

Ear Hustle by Radiotopia (stories by and about incarcerated people in the US, read up on the prison industrial complex if u havent heard of it.)
- this episode details 4 women who r in relationships w incarcerated people, rlly moving. i think i cried

Life Kit by NPR (short tidbits of generally gd advice. ranges from whether or not to have an office romance to also more practical things like financial literacy.)

Laid Bare (by Oloni, really funny and great advice. i havent listened to much just bc a lot of the episodes are quite long but ik its very popular.)

Growing up with Gal-Dem (very new podcast. included cos i love gal-dem but ngl none of their episodes as of yet have rlly captured me. maybe cos they recorded it last year so it seems out of date.)
- *update* brilliant interviews w amazing people !!!! a delicious n affirming listen 

Too Rude for Radio by BBC (funny honest conversations relating to music n also whatever the hosts want to talk about, similar vibes to receipts esp as the host has been a guest on receipts before)

Modern Love by NYT (i like this sometimes but it's not a go-to personally. i cant think of any stories that have particularly moved me but ik that this is a popular podcast about relationships/love stories. sorry im just a massive cynic about love)

Where Should We Begin? by Esther Perel (couples therapy! interesting to be a fly on the wall but again not a massive cup of tea of mine. i feel like esther also doesnt rlly understand queerness but maybe thats just my opinion.)

Economics but not 2 boring: 

Planet Money by NPR (i LOVE this podcast lol ive listened to like quite a sizeable amount of this. they make quite complex theories n stories VERY engaging n understandable. has changed my understanding of how much freedom we have as consumers. each episode is written like they r solving a problem. 10/10.)

- this one's about billboards n how they r being used to surveil us n market products to us !!! eek
- this one's about what makes a restaurant nice to sit inside... it's rlly cool n something u never think about!
- this one's about how companies have literally invented a new type of potato that will stay fresher for longer as a fry
- episode about a german man who changed the way ppl thought about green energy, doesnt sound exciting but acc is
- about music producers n how they get famous/make money!!! rlly cool

Freakonomics Radio (quite good n informative but there is a lot i dont necessarily agree w/like... esp a recent episode about china which i felt was quite orientalist)

DISUNOMICS (he's funny n explains theories in a rlly accessible way with some really great guests, great if you're interested in growing your personal wealth)

Weekly Economics Podcast by the New Economics Foundation (this is a brilliant informative podcast which is quite left-leaning but always very fact-checked with accomplished guests)


The Guardian UK: Politics Weekly (fine for a weekly update, feel like it can be rather biased but mostly alright coverage)

FT UK Politics (good coverage, often gets into the nitty gritty of parliament)

The New Yorker: Politics and More (very american, interesting sometimes)

The NPR Politics Podcast (good, i like this but obv focussed on america too)

BBC Global News Podcast (can be good tool to find out about other parts of the world but i dont necessarily think their journalists/coverage are the best)

WOW! so finally finished my list which seems sort of endless. i have listened to other podcasts and there are probably ones im missing out but these are the ones i thought were worth mentioning. hope ur all staying safe n educating urselves !!!!!

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